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Here you will find our KHE BMX assembly videos, as well as beginner trick videos in a VLOG series. The KHE VLOG series started in August 2021 and offers you every 2 weeks a new VLOG. We recommend after buying and receiving one of our BMX bikes to watch the BMX assembly video first. After the successful assembly you can start with our KHE VLOG series and collect helpful tips and tricks from the BMX world. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for kids, teens and BMX beginners to get into the BMX sport. The KHE TEAM wishes you a lot of fun!


Here you will find a BMX assembly video for our model KHE COPE. We have created for each of our BMX bikes own BMX assembly videos, which you can find directly with the respective BMX bike on our website and on our YouTube channel.


KHE starts together with the Freedom BMX magazine again and again BMX contests for young amateur riders who present their first tricks on and with the BMX bike. The self-filmed videos are sent in at the beginning of the contest. For the best riders, with the coolest tricks, great prizes in the form of BMX parts, tires and much more await. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to never miss a BMX contest again! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe6sM9vK_ezJugi8pNDgwVw


Visit our Youtube channel to never miss another KHE video in the future!


Starting in August 2021, two new VLOGS with Marco will appear here every month. Stay tuned!


The time has come! Our new BMX VLOG series begins! In the first video Marco gets a new KHEbikes Silencer. Now it is first: unpack and assemble. After that the first test ride in the skatepark is on the agenda.

KHEbikes Silencer BMX from the video: https://www.khebikes.com/bikes/alle-bikes/2529-khe-silencer-lt-20-zoll-bmx-rad-9-9kg-schwarz

Follow us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KHEbikes/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/khe_bikes

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@khebikes

In the new video Marco shows you how to behave in the skatepark and what tricks you can start with. The KHE VLOG 2 is for beginners who find the way to a BMX park for the first time after building their new BMX. Helpful tips, tricks and terms will show you here our team rider Marco. Have fun!

In the new video Marco shows you how to learn the first trick in BMX riding: The Bunny Hop!
The KHE VLOG 3 with Marco is all about the most important trick in BMX riding. The bunny hop is the basis for more spectacular tricks and combos in the future. To teach you the bunny hop, we let our team rider Marco demonstrate the whole thing once with explanation. Have fun practicing!

KHEbikes Silencer BMX from the video:https://www.khebikes.com/bikes/alle-bikes/2529-khe-silencer-lt-20-zoll-bmx-rad-9-9kg-schwarz

Follow us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KHEbikes/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/khe_bikes


In the new video Marco shows you how to ride the BMX properly in the mini ramp and half pipe!

The KHE VLOG 4 with Marco is all about the miniramp and halfpipe. How to behave on the BMX when riding in and out, what to pay attention to the pedal position, as well as first cool tricks to try out yourself and much more we show you in this VLOG! Have fun practicing!

KHEbikes Silencer BMX from the video: https://www.khebikes.com/bikes/alle-bikes/2529-khe-silencer-lt-20-zoll-bmx-rad-9-9kg-schwarz

Follow us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KHEbikes/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/khe_bikes


In the new video Marco shows you 5 BMX beginner tricks, which you can practice as the beginning!

In KHE VLOG 5 you can learn 5 simple beginner tricks together with Marco. This VLOG is meant to follow up on the first 4 VLOGs, if you haven't seen the VLOGs yet, check out our YouTube channel! Have fun practicing!

KHEbikes Silencer BMX from the video:: https://www.khebikes.com/bikes/alle-bikes/2529-khe-silencer-lt-20-zoll-bmx-rad-9-9kg-schwarz

Follow us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KHEbikes/


In the new video Marco explains the most common BMX terms to you, so you know what is meant in the skatepark and when riding in general.

In KHE VLOG 6 you can learn together with Marco the basic BMX terms to talk with friends and acquaintances easier and better! Check out our YouTube channel for more videos!

KHEbikes Silencer BMX from the video:https://www.khebikes.com/bikes/alle-bikes/2529-khe-silencer-lt-20-zoll-bmx-rad-9-9kg-schwarz

Follow us on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KHEbikes/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/khe_bikes