Who is Dylan Devitt?
A rising star
In a short space of time, Devitt's fame has increased many times over. Thanks to his tricks and stunts in R-Willy Land, also together with his buddy Ryan Williams, his Instagram follower count has shot through the roof. But not without reason, because Devitt shows impressive impressions of his BMX riding style there.
The freestyle king
In addition to R-Willy Land, Dylan Devitt is also part of the "Freestyle Kings" sports team. They also host shows where Devitt can showcase his skills.
Bucket list
The rising BMXer published his bucket list on Instagram. In other words, a list of things he really wants to experience. These include things that relate to BMX riding, such as winning the Nitro World Games or doing a triple back flip. But also things that relate to his life in general, such as swimming with whales or flying into space. He has already ticked off a few points.
World's first
Dylan Devitt was the first BMXer to perform the "360 Nothing Front Bike Flip". He successfully performed it for the first time in R-Willy Land after trying to land it more than 700 times in 11 days. He lets go of his bike at a height of 9m and turns 360° without it. This also enabled him to cross a point off his bucket list.