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Lillyana Seidler

We welcome our newest newcomer Lillyana Seidler to the KHE MAC team. A new star shines bright in the BMX scene!

Who is Lillyana Seidler?


All beginnings are BMX!

Just like her forerunner Lisa Marie Lessmann, the Neubrandenburg native went from the BMX hall to the sports high school to focus on her BMX skills. These days, Lillyana is aiming for the Olympic Games as her next big goal.



At a young age, Lillyana Seidler has already been able to take part in several competitions to kick-start her promising BMX career. These included the 2023 European Games in Poland and the UCI World Championships, where she even took 3rd place. In 2022, she took part in her first international competition, the FISE, where she also took 3rd place.



As one of the few women in the German BMX scene, Lillyana is used to having to assert herself between men. At the Highway to Hill competition in 2023, the young BMXer achieved 5th place in the men's amateur class as the only woman competing.



Lillyana Seidler is supported by the BMX brand "Mankind BMX", which provides her with bikes and bike parts. She receives the KHE MAC 2 tires and other KHE BMX parts from KHEbikes!